Visit our study evening on 25 March



Our mbo courses are unique. Where the rest stop, we continue. Dreamers, thinkers, designers, makers: they all start here. We teach you to see what has no shape yet. Build what does not yet exist. This is a place to learn, to undertake, to create.


Our courses are divided into four clusters:

  • Design & Craft
  • Spatial Design
  • Media & Technology design
  • Image & Sound

Shortened track havo/vwo?
If you are taking your final exams this year in havo or pre-university education (or have already obtained your diploma), you can complete the Media and Spatial Design programme in three years instead of four. For more information on our accelerated programme, click here.

Getting to know SintLucas?

Come along on one of our study evenings on 25 March, 17 April and 3 June from 5pm-8pm. Discover more introductory opportunities here.

12 training found