ANBI data
SintLucas has ANBI status. ANBI stands for Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling. This means that, as an institution, we serve the public interest. That is why we do not have to pay gift tax or inheritance tax. In order to maintain this ANBI status, SintLucas is obliged to provide the information below in a transparent manner.
RSIN/Fiscal number:
Executive Board:
Ruud Rabelink and André Gehring
Contact details SintLucas
Purchase conditions
SintLucas uses the following General Conditions of Purchase as drawn up by the FSR: FSR General Conditions of Purchase for Supplies and Services Version 4.0, October 2021. Download the General Conditions of Purchase below.
Student statute
SintLucas is successful when students are successful during and after SintLucas. To achieve this, it is important that students and staff can learn and work in a pleasant and safe environment. That is why we have rules and make agreements about how we treat each other. So that everyone feels at home at SintLucas and can get the best out of themselves and others like a real ‘Sint’. The rules and agreements are described in the Student Charter. Download the corresponding documents below.
Exemptions policy
A student who has taken exams in a previous programme at least at the level of the programme in which the student is enrolled at SintLucas may request exemption from the examination board for these exams. The examination committee may grant an exemption but is not obliged to do so. The examination committee makes its decision based on legally permissible grounds and rejects requests, providing arguments based on its own exemption policy. An exemption granted remains valid as long as the student is enrolled in the crebo for which the exemption was granted. If the crebo changes, the student must reapply for the exemption.

Good governance
SintLucas aims to represent good, responsible and transparent governance. Good Governance means that steering, controlling and supervising an organisation is done in a focused and efficient manner. The realisation of policy objectives should be done effectively as well as communicating and accounting to stakeholders in an open and transparent manner. Here you can download documents that contribute to our transparency and are made available within the framework of SintLucas’ ‘Good Governance’.
Wherever people work, things sometimes go wrong. If (potential) pupils, (potential) students, employees or external stakeholders feel that they have not been treated carefully or fairly by SintLucas, they can report this. These reports may have to do with decisions or the lack thereof or the behaviour or expressions of employees of SintLucas. In the first instance, SintLucas tries to solve these reports in conversation with those involved. If this fails, there are complaints procedures in which various steps are possible. The document process complaints regulation describes the different areas of attention with the procedures and the persons responsible. This document applies to vmbo and mbo. Below you can download the various documents relating to the complaints procedure.
Complaints contact
SintLucas’ contact person for the complaints procedure is Lindsay Weijtmans. She can be reached at the e-mail address:
Mail can be sent to:
SintLucas, attn. Lindsay Weijtmans
P.O. Box 872, 5600 AW Eindhoven or
P.O. Box 120, 5280 AC Boxtel

Testing and examination
If you disagree with a decision of the examination committee, you can lodge an objection with the Appeals Committee. How to lodge an objection can be found in the examination regulations and in the SintLucas complaints procedure. The examination regulations can be found in the study guide examination of your programme. Click on the button below to find the regulation per programme in the study guide.
Confidential counsellors
SintLucas wants everyone to feel comfortable at school. Bullying, discrimination or sexual harassment are things that will not be tolerated at SintLucas. You can always turn to a confidential advisor if you are struggling with these problems. Read more about the regulation on confidential counsellors in the adjacent document. You will also find the details of the confidants at SintLucas on the right.