SintLucas is a flat organisation in which powers are as close as possible to implementation in order to remain leading and agile in the rapidly changing world.
Education clusters
The study programmes are organised in five education clusters with education managers who have the space and responsibility for results to organise and develop the education of their study programmes. A number of support services are positioned around these clusters, while other services work SintLucas-wide under the Executive Board.
Organisation chart
View the diagram of SintLucas’ organisational structure here.
The management is integrally responsible for the implementation and organisation of education and is formed by Anita Verbeek (mbo), Roy Palmen (mbo) and Jannie Bakker (vmbo).
Executive Board
André Gehring and Ruud Rabelink make up the SintLucas board of directors.
Anita, Roy and Jannie
Executive Board
André and Ruud

Supervisory Board
The Executive Board is monitored and advised by the Supervisory Board. The members integrally supervise the policy of the Executive Board and the general course of affairs within SintLucas. The board sees to it that both schools excellently fulfil their educational and employment tasks.
Members of the Supervisory Board:
Paul van Nunen
Huub Dekkers
Geertje Pruijsers
Paula Willemse
Mathieu Weggeman

Employee participation
SintLucas has arranged employee participation according to the Works Councils Act, which came into force in 2011. There is a parent council, a student and pupil council and a works council.