SintLucas Sprint
Six-year vmbo-mbo route

The practical route
to hbo

Want to get your vmbo-kader and mbo level-4 diploma in six years? Check out SintLucas Sprint, our six-year vmbo-mbo route!

From school year 2025-2026, SintLucas will start SintLucas Sprint, an accelerated course for pupils interested in the direction Media Design. This course is for pupils with a practical way of learning who want to go the extra mile. The course is also a good alternative for the havo to then move on to the hbo.

Study structure

In the first three years of the programme, you follow your vmbo education. You will follow the same study material as in the four-year vmbo-kader course, but you will go through it faster and there is a lot of attention for practical subjects. In the third year, you complete a large part of your vmbo programme. In the fourth year, you complete a few more vmbo subjects and start the mbo route.

During the first year, we combine year one and two. You will go through the course material faster and in some subjects you will go deeper. In addition to the vocational subjects, you will also follow the subjects: Dutch, maths, English and citizenship. In the second year, the exam route starts and continues until the end of your programme. During the exam trajectory, you will build a portfolio with various assignments. In addition, you go on work placement, where you get acquainted with practical experience. In the third year, you complete your programme with an in-depth course and an internship.

Study structure in view

Who is SintLucas Sprint for?

You have a vmbo-t, vmbo-t/havo or havo recommendation and are independent, motivated, inquisitive and flexible. The creative technology profile suits your interests. You have a practical attitude and like to go the extra mile.

What does the Media Design programme entail?

During the Media Design programme, you will work on design, communication and technology on a daily basis. Examples of media you will work on include websites, apps, virtual reality applications, animations, games, (digital) illustrations or posters. You will also develop complete campaigns combining logo, corporate identity, photos and video. During the programme, you can specialise in one field (e.g. interaction design, game design or crossmedia design) or develop your skills as a broad media designer.

What can I do after the course?

After graduating from the six-year programme, you will have a vmbo (lower secondary vocational education) and mbo level-4 diploma. With this diploma, you can continue your studies at hbo. For example, you can study in the field of marketing communication, ICT, media design, illustration/animation or media and game technology (at Fontys Hogescholen, Avans Hogeschool or an art academy). In addition, you can start your own business in the field of media design. After your studies, you can also start work immediately as a graphic designer, (junior) art director, interaction designer, illustrator/animator or 2D/3D or game artist.

How is counselling arranged?

During your time at SintLucas, in the first three years you will be taught by the same team of teachers and have the same mentor. The mentor is your first point of contact, to whom you can always turn. Should you need more support or guidance, student supervisors or coaches will offer additional guidance. This is always tailor-made and will be arranged together with your parent(s)/carer(s) and your mentor/career coach.

How does application and admission work?

Our application procedure consists of two steps: registration for the creative intake and application for SintLucas Sprint – six-year programme. More information about the application dates can be found on this page.

Creative intake
Besides an appropriate recommendation (vmbo-t/havo), we also look at your creative talent. To make your school career as successful as possible and to prepare you well for our vmbo, we work with a creative intake. For the creative intake, you will come to SintLucas for about two hours. You do not have to prepare anything for the intake (at home). You will work at our school on a number of short assignments in which you show your creativity. During the creative intake, there is also a meeting with parent(s)/caregiver(s) to explain the course.

Do you have questions about the six-year vmbo-mbo programme? Take a look at the frequently asked questions below or send an e-mail to We will be happy to help you!

Frequently asked questions six-year track

You get a higher proportion of practical subjects (4 profile modules instead of 2, 4 electives instead of 2). This route also has a better connection to the MBO Media Design programme.

This is not possible due to the draw. When applying in the application week via LDOS, the desired route (Sprint or regular vmbo) must be chosen. At place 2, another school follows.

For SintLucas Sprint, you can register yourself with vmbo-t, vmbo-t/havo or havo advice (and a positive creative intake). With a havo/vwo (or vwo) recommendation this is not possible. We cannot offer pupils the right challenge for this.

It is always possible to enter the regular vmbo or mbo route. If, during the accelerated route, it remains the case that the pupil/student needs more time in vmbo or mbo, a decision can be made in consultation to deviate from the acceleration.

It is not possible to enter the six-year vmbo-mbo route later.

In consultation with your mentor and dean, we will look at which MBO course (within SintLucas) best suits you and how you can transfer to that course. To transfer to an external MBO institution, you will need your vmbo diploma. If you do not want to continue in the continuous vmbo-mbo route or a programme within SintLucas mbo, you will first have to get your vmbo diploma.

This is certainly possible. There is a possibility to obtain the British bachelor’s degree ‘Visual Communication‘ within SintLucas and/or to move on to another higher vocational education programme. Naturally, SintLucas will support you in this.

Because of the acceleration, the programme requires students to master the language level at a vmbo-t/havo level. The programme is not (yet) suitable for pupils who do not yet master the Dutch language.

Frequently asked questions six-year track

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