tuition fees and teaching aids.
What costs do you incur when you follow a mbo
programme at SintLucas.
Cost overview
The main costs of the course include the purchase of a laptop and software, tuition fees (from 18 years of age) and learning resources. These cost components are explained by topic below.
The costs differ per programme, partly because you do not have to purchase the same type of learning resources for every programme. In this document you can find the costs per programme and year of study.
Purchase of laptop & software
To complete your study at SintLucas properly, a laptop is indispensable. We give advice to new students on which laptop and software are best for their study programme. For one course a basic laptop is sufficient, for another course you need a laptop with more power. For example, because you need to be able to work with certain computer programmes. You can find the recommended laptop specifications for your study programme on MijnLucas, the digital environment for SintLucas students.

Learning resources
For your training, you will purchase learning resources. For one course, this involves buying clothes and safety shoes. In another course, it will be tools and paint. The costs differ per course.
Buy-back scheme unused educational resources mbo
As a student, you are expected to purchase the learning resources recommended for your programme. Conversely, as a student, you can then expect those recommended learning resources to actually be used during your education. If this does not happen then, since the 2021-2022 academic year, you may be entitled to a refund of the costs you have incurred for this. In the document Repurchase scheme for unused educational resources for senior secondary vocational education (MBO), you can read under which conditions you can claim this and how to submit an application.
Tuition fee
The amount of tuition fees is set by law every year and you pay this directly to the Education Executive Agency (DUO). You only pay tuition fees if you are 18 years or older on 1 August 2024. The tuition fee for the 2023-2024 school year is €1,357-. For the school year 2024-2025, the tuition fee is €1,419-.
Payment is via My DUO. You can pay the whole amount at once, but you can also pay in 9 instalments. If you are enrolled on 1 August, you will always pay tuition fees for the entire academic year. If you complete your study programme in the course of the year, you can get a refund of part of the tuition fees paid under certain conditions. If you stop your studies, you may also have to pay back your performance-related grant (basic grant, supplementary grant and annual public transport pass). More information can be found via tuition fees mbo on the DUO website.
OV student card
If you are under 18 when you start your mbo programme, you are also entitled to a OV-studentenkaart. If you want to make sure you can travel with a OV-studentenkaart, apply for it on time. More information can be found on this website.

Study cost allowance
Sometimes it is possible (especially for students/pupils under 18) to receive an allowance for study costs from or through various bodies. The possibilities for support have widened considerably because of the MBO student fund scheme.
- Younger than 18
Stichting Leergeld: financial arrangements are organised locally. More info via the website of stichting Leergeld. If you would like to know more about this, please send an email to - 18 years or older
Study costs should be paid from the student grant.
There are also municipal schemes that are organised locally. There is no uniform procedure per municipality. Many municipalities offer special schemes for people who are struggling financially. For this, you can contact the municipality in which you live.