Registration and admission

Will you make it
at SintLucas

Apply for one of our creative-technical MBO courses.


You apply for the programme of your choice by clicking on the name of the programme you want to apply for. From 1 November, the programmes will be visible on this page. We will then ask you to fill in some details, including personal details and more information about your previous education.

Admission*: matching interview and advice

After your application, you will receive an invitation for a matching interview at SintLucas. You can plan this interview yourself at a time that suits you best.

You will meet a teacher and student from the programme of your choice. Together we will see if you and SintLucas are a match. We discuss your image of the study programme and the professional field and your motivation to choose this programme. We also discuss what you expect from the study programme and SintLucas and vice versa what we expect from you. And of course, you can ask all the questions you want to know about the study programme and SintLucas. Above all, we have an open and relaxed conversation, so that you can make a good study choice!

Application and matching interview during the open day
If you are enthusiastic about one of our study programmes during the open day, you can apply directly. Make sure you have your BSN number with you, so you can complete your application immediately. After your application, you will receive an invitation for a matchmaking interview. Together we will check whether you and the study programme of your choice and SintLucas are a match. We also offer the possibility to plan the matching interview during the open day, if you are there anyway. Do you have a matching interview during the open day? Then you will also receive the results immediately.

Preparation for interview

In preparation for the interview, you can bring (creative) work that you have made before. It is also possible to make an assignment for SintLucas in advance (which you receive from us after registration), which you bring along to the interview. You will then immediately get an idea of how we work. You will receive more information about the assignment for your study programme after registration. Or maybe you have examples of designers or companies in your field that inspire you and about which you can tell more in the interview. How you prepare for the interview is up to you!

Study advice

After the interview, you will receive a study advice. This advice can be positive (we think you fit in with SintLucas and the study programme) or negative (we think another school and/or another study programme would suit you better). Even with a negative recommendation, you are admissible at SintLucas. We trust that you will make a good study choice with our advice.

Application period and numerus fixus

Registration is possible from 1 November 2024 (from 9am). The application period runs in principle until 1 April, but may be extended thereafter depending on the course of the number of applications. Keep an eye on the website for this.

For some programmes, we have a limited number of places (numerus fixus): Design & Craft (95 places), Spatial Design (320 places of which 60 for shortened pathway), Media Design (340 places of which 60 for shortened pathway), AV Specialist (80 places) and Photography (40 places). The maximum number of students accepted is stated under the relevant programme.

Placement in these programmes takes place in order of final application. Therefore, make sure you complete your application right away. The maximum number of students may be reached before 1 April. Keep an eye on the website for the closing date of these programmes. You may be placed on a waiting list.

Students of SintLucas vmbo and students following the SintLucas Kick-start programme at their own secondary school have priority over other candidates when it comes to placement.

* Admission has been adjusted compared to the procedure in previous years. Back then, SintLucas applied a selection on creative talent for the numerus fixus courses and students were given binding study advice.

We made adjustments to admission because:

  • we want to put more control over the study choice with the student and they can make the final choice themselves based on a recommendation;
  • based on the national theme of Equal Opportunities, we welcome every student;
  • we equalise registration and admission for all programmes.


Sometimes you may need a little more support or care during your studies. In that case, our care coordinator will contact you and/or your parents, and your current school. An additional meeting may be scheduled to discuss your options. This is separate from your placement.

Digital transfer file

The digital transfer file (DDD) is not required to complete your application. Nor does it come up in the matching interview. If you are in secondary school, you will receive the information/code of the DDD from your mentor. In all other cases, you can request a code yourself via this website. Under ‘I don’t have a password yet’, enter your e-mail address and a password of your own devising. Then enter activation code R76N9HEV and your Citizen Service Number in the next screen. Once you are logged in, you can create a file.