At SintLucas, some 500 vmbo pupils and 2,800 mbo students work daily on their personal development and craftsmanship. They are guided by over 460 employees and guest lecturers and professionals from the business world.
Educational vision
The educational vision is intended for everyone involved in education: pupils, students, staff, as well as parents, businesses and other schools. They were also consulted to arrive at this vision. We also used characteristics of our pupil and student population, as well as (contemporary) theories on education and developments in the creative industry and society.
Education at SintLucas takes place in a learning environment in which we:
- work towards the fulfilment of ambitions;
- learn and work in co-creation;
- discover and develop our strength and identity;
- learn and work in a context-rich environment;
- deploying people, resources and materials consciously and responsibly.

Personalised learning
By 2021, we have initiated the development towards personalised learning. Libi is the educational design we use to shape this development. Libi means life. Learning is life, living is learning. SintLucas facilitates pupils and students to give shape and meaning to their growth and learning process from their talent and passion. From their lives.