Information registration vmbo year 1
SintLucas vmbo is a creative vmbo where we offer a framework vocational, mixed or theoretical study programme and where you are trained for the creative industry. We offer the Media, Design and ICT profile, or MVI for short. This means that in addition to the creative subjects, you will eventually take exams in Dutch, English, Nask1, maths and economics or history and BTE for the mixed programme. To make your school career as successful as possible and to prepare you well for our vmbo, we work with a creative intake. This is how we look at your creative talent.
Our application procedure for school year 2025-2026 consists of two steps, creative intake and application.
Are there (suspected) additional support needs? Information on additional support needs can be found in step 2c. In addition to step 2c, please read the information below carefully.
A visual step-by-step plan about our registration procedure can be found at the bottom of this page. You can also download this step-by-step plan. Frequently asked questions about the creative intake can also be found here.
Step 1a: Signing up for the creative intake
You first register for the creative intake. This registration is from 25 January 09.00 until 14 February 17.00 2025. Registration for the creative intake is no longer possible at this time.
Step 1b: Execution creative intake
The execution of the creative intake will take place between 17 February and 14 March 2025. You will come to SintLucas for this and work independently on a number of assignments given to you by us. For the creative intake it is not necessary to make a portfolio or a home assignment at home. Do bring your ID/passport to the creative intake.
During the creative intake, we want to see what ideas you have and how creative you are. So there is not just one right answer. This could be a possible assignment: Draw as many different ideas as possible at, in and with the circle below
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During these assignments, we look at:
- Divergent thinking (coming up with as many different ideas as possible );
- Flexibility (thinking in different directions with your ideas);
- Originality (coming up with an unusual or uncommon idea);
- Explaining the choices you make to the creative teacher (you don’t have to present anything in class).
Participating in other school choice activities at SintLucas such as an open day, a trial lesson and/or a creative workshop does not affect the admission procedure.
Step 1c: Result creative intake
Your parent(s)/caregiver(s) will receive the result of the creative intake by e-mail within two weeks after the creative intake. If the result of the creative intake is positive, you can proceed to step 2a: registration SintLucas vmbo. If the result of the creative intake is negative, you can no longer register at SintLucas vmbo.
Step 2a: application SintLucas vmbo
There is a central application week for the whole of the Netherlands from 25 March 2025 to 31 March 2025. Via (central registration system for the cooperation association Eindhoven Kempenland) you log in with the parent code you receive from your primary school and indicate which other schools you prefer in case a draw is necessary. If the number of applications exceeds the space available, a draw procedure will be started for all pupils who received a positive result at the creative intake and who applied via LDOS. Furthermore, we do not apply priority rules. You place the three schools in order of preference in LDOS. Only if you place SintLucas in 1st place will you participate in our draw.
Note: Do you not have an LDOS parent code because your school falls outside the Eindhoven Kempenland partnership? (The RSV-PVO Eindhoven Kempenland includes schools in the following municipalities: Waalre, Veldhoven, Valkenswaard, Son en Breugel, Reusel – De Mierden, Oirschot, Eindhoven, Eersel, Bladel, Best, Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten, Bergeijk, Heeze -Leende) then from 18 March 09.00 to 28 March 17.00 2025 you can schedule an appointment via a form on our website to come to our school during the application week from Tuesday to Monday to fill in your preference list digitally at our school (Torenallee 75, Eindhoven). Please bring your ID or passport and a proof with the primary school’s recommendation, so that we can help you register properly.
Step 2b: Draw
After the application week, there will be a draw by a notary on Wednesday 2 April 2025. On Thursday 3 April 2025 from 4pm, you will see which school you have been allocated to via the parents’ portal in LDOS. The allocation is final. If a pupil decides to attend another school outside the region after allocation, parent(s)/carer(s) should contact the school of allocation.
Step 2c: Examining support needs
After the provisional placement, we investigate your support needs based on the information shared with us by the primary school. We will contact your teacher if necessary.
If there is (a suspicion of) an extra support need in secondary education, it is nice to have contact before the Christmas holidays to discuss the situation and possibilities (preferably in a conversation between child, parent(s)/caregiver(s), school of origin, possibly involved social work and SintLucas). This can be done by sending an e-mail to the support coordinator vmbo:
Step 2d: Final results
After this, the final result will be sent by e-mail on 12 May 2025. Have you been rejected? That is annoying, but we will help you find a suitable school. If you are accepted, we will welcome you to SintLucas vmbo year 1 for school year 2025-2026 and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 18 June 2025 on our introductory afternoon with your new classmates and mentor.

Do you have questions about the creative intake, application or admission? If so, please email Or come to a trial class where your parent(s) or carer(s) will receive a presentation with information about our school and programme and a tour of the school while you attend a creative workshop.