learning pathways
If you choose the vmbo at SintLucas, you will be opting for an education consisting of general subjects with, in addition, a lot of attention to creative subjects.

Learning pathways
Within the vmbo we offer three learning pathways with the Media, Design & ICT (MVI) profile. All pupils first go through the general junior years. In years 3 and 4, you enter one of our three learning pathways. The content of the MVI profile is different for each learning pathway. The vmbo of SintLucas is located in Eindhoven.
Depending on your primary school recommendation and your performance in years 1 and 2 you will follow one of the following learning pathways in the superstructure (years 3 and 4).
Framework vocational course
This pathway is a practical programme, entirely focused on design and media. The vocational programme is more extensive than in the combined pathway. Besides Dutch, English, maths, physics and social studies, students gain further experience in video, internet, image and sound, animation, theatre technology, interactive design (e.g. websites and apps), graphic software, desktop publishing, sign, design, typography, page layout and photography. This learning route is a nice stepping stone to the MBO courses in media and design within SintLucas. Further learning at another MBO institution is of course also possible.
Mixed apprenticeship
For those who have little difficulty in learning and already want to acquire some vocational knowledge, the mixed pathway is a good choice. Here, learning alternates with doing. The programme consists of subjects such as Dutch, English, mathematics, physics, drawing, social studies, economics or history. In addition, art history and MVI (Media, Design and ICT) are on the curriculum. In MVI, pupils discover the possibilities of the Internet, video, photography, animation, images and sound. They also learn to design and work with various computer programmes. The mixed pathway links up well with MBO courses in design and media. You can also move on to another type of intermediate vocational programme.
Mixed course theoretical
This learning route is for pupils who have received a vmbo-t recommendation. If you follow this learning pathway, you will take exams in an extra theory subject: economics or history. After successful completion of the mixed learning programme, you will receive a diploma from SintLucas. If you pass the mixed learning pathway and therefore also the extra subject, we will apply for the diploma theoretical learning pathway. This diploma will then not bear the name of SintLucas. Our school arranges this through the state examination committee. You will receive this diploma during a festive presentation, usually in October.
Watch the animation below with more info about the profile Media, Design & ICT.

Want to know more?
Would you like to know more about our vmbo, the intake procedure, the (creative and theory) subjects, guidance, internationalisation and activities? Then watch our videos in which students and teachers tell you more about it!