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lateral entry

Information inflow

Enrolment from Parmant Antoon, Parmant Helder or EOA at SintLucas vmbo is possible (provided there are places) in year 2 or 3.

If you are interested in going to SintLucas and your current school is Antoon Schellenscollege, Helder or EOA, we would appreciate it if your mentor with the support coordinator of your current school sends an email to We will then schedule an appointment with the pupil, parent(s), current mentor, support coordinator of your current school, as well as the support coordinator of SintLucas and the coordinator recruitment new pupils of SintLucas.

SintLucas vmbo is a creative vmbo where we offer the framework vocational, mixed or theoretical learning programme and where we respond to technological developments and where you are trained for the creative industry. We offer the Media, Design and ICT profile, or MVI for short. This means that in addition to the creative subjects, you will eventually take exams in Dutch, English, Nask1, maths and economics or history and BTE for the mixed programme. To make your school career as successful as possible and to prepare you well for our vmbo, we work with a creative intake. This is how we look at your creative talent.

Application procedure vmbo year 2-3

Our application procedure for school year 2025-2026 consists of two steps, creative intake and application.

Step 1a: Enrolment creative intake
You first register for the creative intake on Friday 14 March 2025. This registration is from 25 January 09.00 until 14 February 17.00 2025. Registration for the creative intake is therefore no longer possible at this time.

Places for the side intake at SintLucas vmbo are very limited. There is room for a maximum of four pupils from EOA, Parmant Antoon or Parmant Helder. In case there are more applications than available places, we look at the score of the creative intake as an assessment for this. For school year 2025-2026, we accept four pupils for the lateral entry class year 2/3.

Step 1b: Carrying out the creative intake
The execution of the creative intake will take place on 14 March 2025. You will come to SintLucas for this and work independently on a number of assignments you will then receive from us. For the creative intake it is not necessary to make a portfolio or a home assignment at home. Do bring your ID/passport to the creative intake.

During the creative intake, we want to see what ideas you have and how creative you are. So there is not just one right answer. This could be a possible assignment: Draw as many different ideas as possible at, in and with the circle below

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During these assignments, we look at:

  • Divergent thinking (coming up with as many different ideas as possible );
  • Flexibility (thinking in different directions with your ideas);
  • Originality (coming up with an unusual or uncommon idea);
  • Explaining the choices you make to the creative teacher (you don’t have to present anything in class).

Participating in other school choice activities at SintLucas such as an open day, a trial lesson and/or a creative workshop does not affect the admission procedure.

Step 1c: Result creative intake
Your parent(s)/caregiver(s) will receive the results of the creative intake by e-mail no later than one week after the creative intake. If the result of the creative intake is positive, you can proceed to step 2a: registration SintLucas vmbo. If the result of the creative intake is negative, you can no longer register at SintLucas vmbo.

Step 2a: application SintLucas vmbo
From this school year there will be a central application week for the whole of the Netherlands from 25 March 2025 to 31 March 2025 Pupils of Antoon Schellenscollege Helder and EOA can apply from 25 March 9.00 hrs via a link on this page.

We will also ask the current school to create a VO-VO transfer file via LDOS for pupils who have achieved a positive creative intake.

Step 2b: Examining support needs
After the provisional placement, we will examine your support needs using the transfer file from your current school. If questions arise, we will contact Parmant Antoon, EOA or Parmant Helder.

Step 2c: final result
The following is the final result on 12 May 2025 via email. Have you been rejected? That’s annoying, but we will help you find a suitable school. If you are accepted, we will welcome you at SintLucas vmbo year 2 or 3 for school year 2025-2026.


Do you have questions about application and admission? If so, please send an email to

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