SintLucas has arranged employee participation according to the Works Councils Act. There is a student council, student council, works council and parents' council.
Pupil Council
Within the framework of employee participation, the institution has a student council. The pupil council is the central representation of the participants of SintLucas vmbo. The pupil council consults with the vmbo team management about all kinds of matters that are important to all pupils. The members of the student council are class representatives.
Student Council
Both locations of the mbo have a student council. Location-specific topics are discussed in consultation between this decentralised student council and the director responsible for the location. Topics that go beyond the location are discussed in consultations with the Executive Board several times a year. During the school year, the student council also has contact with the works council (representing employees), parents’ council and students’ council. The student council has a say in matters such as lesson times, holiday planning, timetables and regulations.
Works council
The works council consists of employees. It has advisory and assent rights on matters stipulated by law. The works council meets with the Executive Board six to eight times a year. The Executive Board may disregard an advice from the council with arguments, but not an abstention.
Parent Council
Through the parent council, parents can think, discuss and decide on the course of events at school. We have three decentralised parent councils (mbo Eindhoven, mbo Boxtel and vmbo).
Parent feedback group mbo: topics that are decided upon include the parental contribution, holiday planning or exam regulations. A few times a year they consult with the management. They also discuss topics with the student and works councils.
Parent council vmbo: topics decided upon include school hours, parental contribution or holiday planning. They consult with the education managers a few times a year and discuss topics with the student council.

Parent focus group
Within the mbo, we have a parent sounding board group. Would you like to think along with other parents and have your say on current issues? Do you think it is important to be involved and would you like to join the SintLucas Community?
As a member of the parent sounding board group, you are the link between the parent/carer and the school, which can contribute to a better learning environment and a positive school experience for the students. We expect during the meetings:
Feedback: collect experiences, improvements and ideas from other parents and share them during the meetings;
Policy advice: to advise on school policies and strategies from a parent/carer’s perspective. This may cover topics such as teaching approaches, student care, and internships;
Informed: you will be the first to receive information about new developments that are taking place within the organisation .
Contact details
If you would like to get in touch with a representative of one of the councils, please send an email to:
parent feedback group mbo: