A cover photo or report for a magazine, a photo accompanying a news article or an image of trainers in an online campaign. Do you already have an image for this? Then take a look at the Photography course.
During our photography course you will learn how to tell a story with images. You will learn to cooperate and do research, get to know your peers and discover your own style. This is how you develop your own portfolio.
You will organise a photo production from A to Z. You will start with an idea, prepare and execute the production, edit the photos and deliver the final product. You will create the most beautiful images for a food magazine or the banner of your favourite film.
During your photography course, you will develop your own style and working method. This will make your photos truly distinctive. There is room for your own choices and you can often choose your own assignments.
Study evenings
A study evening is an evening where you are introduced to our school and MBO programmes. A study evening is organised on a smaller scale than an open day. Our study evenings take place on: 25 March, 17 April and 3 June from 17.00 – 20.00.
Sound & Vision
Training duration and level
4 years
Level 4
Admission requirements
Minimum diploma vmbo-kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg or transition certificate from havo 3 to 4
Training certificate number: 25718
On this page, you will find more information on costs for the course

What am I doing?
The starting point of a good photo (series) is a good idea, or concept. The creative process starts with a story or feeling you want to convey. You already have a picture in your head beforehand and an idea of what the photo will look like. Then the challenge is to create the right image.
You therefore learn all about photographic techniques, digital and analogue photography, post-processing and special effects. You also gain experience with different forms of photography such as studio, reportage, portrait, advertising and fashion photography, and eventually develop your own preference and way of photographing.
What am I making?
During the photography course, you work towards a high-quality final product for a client. This end product could be a product photo, travel photo, company photo, food photo, concert photo or a photo reportage, for example, but many more are possible. You take the photos on location or in a studio. You also have your own choices in the assignments you make. Do you want to photograph a landscape or would you rather take photos for a news website? We think along with you.
What am I learning?
Besides the general subjects like Dutch, English and maths, you learn skills in camera technique, lighting technique, digital image editing, image analysis, styling and project management. You also learn how to develop your idea (concept) into a concrete photo production. You will make a plan of action and then execute it. You can borrow the equipment to make these images at SintLucas. We have a wide range of film and photography equipment. As a result, your creativity knows no limits during your photography studies at SintLucas.
Where do I do my internship?
From a one-man business to large photography studios, specialised or just general, in the Netherlands or abroad.
Watch a video about student Romy’s internship with photographer Evely Duis here.
What should I be able to do and like?
On our photography course, we work independently and in a team. You are interested in images and enjoy telling stories through images. You also often work at different locations and are good with people. You are therefore flexible and can organise and improvise well. In addition, you enjoy experimenting and coming up with your own ideas. With your critical eye, you judge your own work and the work of others.
What can I do after SintLucas?
After the Photography study programme, you can work as an independent photographer, assist a photographer, or work in a photography studio, among other things. You can also continue your studies on a higher vocational education course.
What is your place in the organisation?
Depending on your position, you work more or less with others. Many photographers work largely independently. Others quickly become part of a somewhat larger organisation in the media world after graduation. Photographers then work together with editors, copywriters or journalists, for example. Within the advertising world, there is close cooperation with designers. A photographer with a large studio works together with set designers, make-up artists and studio assistants or lighting technicians.
Extra challenge?
Are you looking for an extra challenge in addition to your MBO education? Then you can opt for the Bachelor programme Visual Communication from the third year onwards. You will then obtain your mbo diploma and British Bachelor in four years. Click here for more information.
How does application and admission work?
You will apply for the programme of your choice via our website from 1 November 2024. After your application, you will receive an invitation for a matching interview at SintLucas. During an interview with a teacher and student from the study programme of your choice, together we will see if you and SintLucas are a match. Above all, we have an open and relaxed conversation, so you can make a good study choice. In preparation for the interview, you can bring (creative) work with you. It is also possible to make an assignment. After the interview, you will receive a study advice. This advice can be positive (we think you fit in with SintLucas and the study programme) or negative (we think another school and study programme would suit you better). Even with a negative recommendation, you are admissible at SintLucas. We trust that with our advice you will make a good study choice. Read more about application and admission here.
If you have a question about this, please send an e-mail to aanmelding@sintlucas.nl.