From unusable gym equipment to beautiful objects

From unusable gym equipment to beautiful furniture and products

Fourth-year students from the Spatial programme were given a wonderful and challenging assignment. They turned old, unusable gym equipment into new furniture and products for Sports for Children and Jobsfactory. Sports for Children collects old gym equipment and the usable equipment is shipped to countries around the world where these items are scarce so children can play sports safely.

Social impact
The assignment for our students was to make furniture/products, from the leftover unusable gym equipment. These products will be produced by Jobfactory, which employs people who – by working there – can reconnect with the labour market. With the sale of these products, the transport of the still usable gym equipment can be realised.

Client Ton vanBokhoven: “We look back on a successful project and fine cooperation. Students really surprised us, thought out of the box and delivered beautiful work. Everyone made something unique, so there is a lot of variety in products. We could only have hoped beforehand, but with 4 models we are now investigating whether we can actually put them into production.”

Lecturer Rene Siebum: “On the day of the final presentation for the client, everything came together. One of those days when your teacher is proud for a whole year with what has been realised by the students. It was an intensive project in which we were able to work together as a group in a short period of time, and especially to give feedforward to each other and everyone showed her or his craftsmanship.”

Student Noam speaking

“When we were commissioned to create a new product from old gym equipment, I was immediately excited. I like the idea that we will recycle old gym equipment into new products. I find it even more important that gym equipment that is still good is used to help children in developing countries play sports again. Playing sports gives me pleasure, so it is great that others get this opportunity too.

During the process, I encountered several challenges, such as attaching the apron to the bag without it being immediately noticeable. Assembling the cabinet was also a challenge; I had to carefully work out where I placed the screws to avoid them crossing each other. By preparing everything well and working thoughtfully, I tackled these challenges. In the end, I am very proud of myself and what I was able to achieve in a short time.”

Student Stan speaking

“When I got the assignment, I was mega excited right away. The briefing was given in a large warehouse in Helmond. This is where all the gym equipment from all over the Netherlands comes in and is processed. We were given a tour and told about the assignment. We were allowed to choose practically anything we wanted to work with. From cabinets to mats but also korfball baskets. Then everything was delivered to school. It is very special that as a student you get to work with such beautiful materials.

I made a cupboard made entirely of slats. I chose an old gym cabinet as my material. I completely dismantled the gym cabinet and cut the shelves into slats. The challenge was that the planks were in tension. What does this mean? If you want to cut the board lengthwise, it bends. As a result, during sawing, the saw can jam. This can cause damage to the wood.

It sounds cliché, but I am proud of the final result. While designing, I found it very difficult to arrive at the right shape and it took a long time. When I then see what has come out of it now, I think it is really cool how the materials come together. The braided leather seat not only looks nice but also feels mega comfortable. When you are then also told by the client that they want to produce this product in their company, I am extra proud.”