SintLucas in figures

A clear overview

Choosing an advanced programme is quite difficult. It is important that you choose a course that suits you and offers you sufficient opportunities on the labour market or a good progression to a subsequent study. The information on this page gives you an impression of how SintLucas performs as a vocational school. This is how we help you to make a good choice for an advanced study.

This page follows the instruction from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in cooperation with the SBB (Samenwerking Beroepsonderwijs en Bedrijfsleven) to develop a study leaflet for all MBO schools. However, the courses in this national study leaflet are classified in such a way that our figures as a vocational school are not representative. Therefore, on this page you will find data that apply specifically to SintLucas.

The national website provides insight into the educational results of MBO schools in a number of important areas, such as early school leaving, graduation results and student satisfaction. Below, for these areas, you will find a link to SintLucas’ results on this website.

JOB-Monitor: student satisfaction

JOB stands for Jongeren Organisatie Beroepsonderwijs and is the trade union for and by mbo students. Every two years, this union carries out the JOB Monitor, a survey that measures the satisfaction of MBO students on various topics. SintLucas participates in this research. Click here for the overview of SintLucas’ results compared to the national average. On the website of MBO Transparant you can find the results of several years.

Study success

Leaving school early (ESL)
To maximise your chances of study success, most of the programmes at our vocational school start with a foundation year. This foundation year introduces you to the possibilities within the creative-technical field. In this way, you choose a direction that really suits you, thus reducing the chance of ‘dropping out’ because you may have made a wrong choice. This is reflected in our ESL prevention figures. Click here for SintLucas’ ESL rates on the MBO Transparant website.

Diploma result

After the foundation year, you specialise further in the direction of your choice. With your career coach, you map out your own learning route with choices for modules and projects that match your ambition and talent. This approach results in a good graduation result. View SintLucas’ graduation result on the MBO Transparant website here.






After SintLucas

What will you do after your studies? If you follow a course at SintLucas, in the final phase of your study programme you prepare for the next step. That could be further study at a hbo, starting your own company (entrepreneurship) or looking for a job. Want to know where our alumni ended up and how they look back on their MBO education? Take a look at the overview of the most recent results. Click here for the results of location Boxtel and click here for the results of location Eindhoven.

Study inserts

Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven (SBB) has listed a number of key figures about MBO programmes at SintLucas and nationally. You will find these in the leaflets below.

Study in figures: Audiovisual production (Photography, Audiovisual specialist)
Study in figures: All-round media maker
Studies in figures: Media and events management
Study in grades: Stage and event technology (lighting and sound)
Study in grades: Creative craftsman (leather, textile, ceramics, glass)
Studies in grades: Decoration and restoration painter
Study in grades: Spatial design (styling, event, interior, product)
Study in grades: Software development
Studies in grades: Media design (Cross media design, Creative technologies, Digital design & motion)