Students and staff can work at and on SPARK’s equipment.
SPARK is a modern workshop for innovative craftsmanship. They provide space and various equipment and techniques with which to experiment and make prototypes. SPARK, like SintLucas, believes that innovation is the catalyst for new ideas for social and societal issues. Therefore, SPARK makes high-tech equipment available and facilitates a network of creative and technical companies and individuals who also subscribe to SPARK.

Meaningful cooperation
SPARK also has a training offer for the various equipment they have in their labs. SintLucas students and staff can participate in these training courses. Often, completing a training course is a prerequisite for working on a machine. “We look forward to working with the creative talents of SiNTLUCAS at SPARK. In Spark’s open lab, they can gain new skills and collaborate with different blood groups.” said Cassandra Vugts of Spark Makerszone. A first experiment with students from the Startup project Spatial Design will start in the coming months.