Proud to score JOB monitor 2024

Thursday 6 June saw the announcement of the results of the JOB Monitor 2024, the monitor in which mbo students are asked for their opinions on school and education. The JOB monitor is conducted biennially nationwide and was filled in by over 209,000 students this year, 44% of all mbo students. At SintLucas, 1,778 students filled in the monitor.

Students give SintLucas as a school a 7.2 and their study programme a 7.3. They particularly appreciate the atmosphere and indicate that they enjoy going to school. On the subject of teaching materials and tests, SintLucas scores considerably better than the national average. Compared to the JOB monitor in 2022, the scores for SintLucas dropped slightly, the school then scored a 7.5 and the appreciation for the course was a 7.6. Nationally, a decline can also be seen in the results. Nationally, students on average give their school a 6.5 compared to a 6.6 in 2022, the course is valued on average with a 6.7 compared to a 6.8 two years ago. Within the creative trade schools in the Netherlands, SintLucas ranks second when it comes to the score for training and school.

André Gehring, member of the SintLucas Executive Board: “We are proud of the result. This shows the appreciation of our students for all colleagues who dedicate themselves daily to good education at SintLucas. The insights from the JOB monitor again give us direction for improvement and development that we take up within the regular improvement cycle. One of the themes will be internship guidance, of which students clearly indicate that improvement is needed there.”

Wen Bregonje, student council president: “The Student Council is proud to see that SintLucas scores higher than the national average on many points. This shows once again how SintLucas strives for improvement and innovation. Although there is always room for improvement, we expect that this will definitely work out and that SintLucas will respond quickly.”

The fact sheet summarises the main results. At: the results of all participating mbo’s can be viewed.