A grand introduction party will take place on the Stadhuisplein in Eindhoven on Wednesday 28 August. This Intro Festival is the opportunity for all new students from mbo, hbo and university to discover student life in Eindhoven together and to festively mark the start of their studies.
The event is an initiative of Fontys Hogeschool, TU Eindhoven, Summa College, SintLucas, De Rooi Pannen and the municipality of Eindhoven, which supports the event financially under the Together for the MBO action plan . With this initiative, the parties want to ensure that all students in Eindhoven feel at home together and can actively participate in the vibrant student life in the city. The organisation of the party is in the hands of local catering entrepreneurs.
The festival will accommodate around five thousand students and promises to be a fun party. The main stage will feature well-known artists such as Lampegastuh, Dansado & the Party Master, Johnny500, Yes-R, Lukas Prins and Mr.Swnkls. There will also be food trucks and other activities, including a silent disco. Afterwards, TU/e and Fontys students will have the opportunity to take part in a pub crawl on the Stratumseind.

This festival is more than just a party; it highlights the cooperation between the various educational institutions and the municipality. “Cooperation is the great strength of the Brainport region. We also show this by bringing MBO, HBO and university students together to create a stronger bond. We are proud that we can put this together,” said the parties behind the festival. “It is important that every student, regardless of background, has equal opportunities to grow, both personally and professionally. By removing barriers, all students can participate equally.”
Fontys has distributed four thousand tickets among its students, TU/e twelve hundred and the mbo institutions together seven hundred. This festival is a three-year pilot. This year’s experiences and reactions will be used to even better bring all students together in the future. The initiators consider the event a nice start to the pilot, which gives confidence for next year.
The Intro Festival starts at 4pm and lasts until 10pm. It will be officially opened by councillor Maes van Lanschot, together with students from the educational institutions involved.