Students organise podcast launch Ceremony


Creative producer students were tasked with launching the podcast Verborgen Bevrijders Sparrenrijk 1944 at a special event of Heemkundekring Boxtel. Third-year students Daniek Beekers, Julia van Velzen and Rick Klein Klouwenberg set to work with the client on this event production. The first ideas

Daniek: “For this assignment, we received the briefing from our client Jeroen. Coincidentally, we already knew Jeroen from a previous assignment for the Heemkundekring last school year. After the briefing, we wrote a debriefing and went straight to work on organising the event. “Julia: “We started working on a project planning for the event. We also had to launch the new podcast in a fun way. For that, we did a brainstorm with our project group and discussed our ideas with the client. As the podcast was about war stories, we decorated the room with the colours green, brown and army print. We also took this into account with lamps. We also came up with thank-you notes for everyone who contributed to organising the event.”

Thinking in creative solutions

On the day of the event, Julia and Daniek were also present to carry out the project according to the script. Julia: “For us, it was the first time we had organised such a large event of 100 visitors ourselves. On the evening itself, based on our planning, we went through everything from the lamp check to turning on the podcast. Because things had to change last minute, we had to change gear quickly. I learned that not everything always goes according to plan and that you have to think in creative solutions. “In terms of time planning, Daniek and Julia learned a lot. Daniek: “We sometimes had to make adjustments during the organisation phase, in hindsight I thought maybe we could have done that earlier. So I will definitely take that on board for the next project.” The cooperation among themselves in the team and with the client is something the project group experienced as positive. Julia: “The division of tasks was good and we were really a team. The event went well and the client was satisfied. That was nice to hear!”

Photos: Heemkunde Boxtel