Student develops World War II teaching programme

Once a Sint, always a Sint! Because successful together can be done in many ways at SintLucas. Rein Vos took the Bachelor and discusses his meaningful project with us. In addition to the All-round Media Maker and Media Design programme, Rein also followed the Bachelor Visual Communication programme.

A Letter For Freedom
“A Letter For Freedom is an interactive teaching programme in which local students are introduced to 28-year-old resistance fighter Kees Kappers. Who in World War II gave his life for the freedom of Cranendonck municipality. My dream is to make this teaching programme nationwide for every secondary school, but with their own local stories from the neighbourhood.”

Letter For Freedom

The gap between the events of World War II and the younger generations is widening. They no longer link it to modern times and their daily lives. More than half of high school students do believe they can learn from it. They just need more tangible teaching materials that make it easier to personally connect with history. The curriculum lets students make personal links between past, present and future in a special way. By following 5 simple steps, pupils are taken back in time. They are introduced to someone who contributed to their freedom during World War II. In this way, the teaching programme creates in a modern and unique way the opportunity to offer tangible lessons to the new generation of young people. In this way, it teaches them that the freedom they experience today cannot be taken for granted.

This work has been nominated for the Social Design Talent Awards. Watch the video with explanation by Rein below.

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