SintLucas, the vocational school for meaningful creativity in Boxtel and Eindhoven, received the green light from the ministry on 3 April for an ambitious project: the formation of a Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL). This approval involves a grant of 500,000 euros from the National Growth Fund.
In the project, SintLucas will reinforce and accelerate the route already taken to creating an inquisitive, learning culture. With this, SintLucas wants to distinguish itself as a leading educational institution.
In forming a CTL, SintLucas is guided by Npuls, a national organisation of mbo, hbo and wo institutes. Npuls supports educational institutions in creating infrastructures and networks, sharing knowledge, experimenting with pilots and developing solutions and products to support digital learning and teaching.

At SintLucas, the basis for the CTL is already in place. Since 2022, the institution has had a Centre of Expertise. This houses the Meaningful Creativity Practorate, a research workshop, the educational advice and quality team and the central making places. Employees can be part of the Centre of Expertise for a fixed period of time as well as for a specific project or task.
With the additional investments from the CTL scheme, SintLucas aims to achieve the following goals:
- ensuring that our staff can professionalise and develop, for example with training courses, joint conference visits or a library for professional literature;
- develop more and more intensive collaborations to learn from and with other schools on themes such as didactics, pedagogy and digitalisation;
- bring together colleagues working on similar issues in the field of educational development, innovation and research, for example around new future-oriented courses such as Immersive solutions;
- doing practical research together, supporting staff in experimenting and researching in their education, for example in the form of living labs.
In three years, SintLucas wants to have achieved that teachers know how they can optimally cooperate with and participate in the Expertise Centre. SintLucas also aims to have grown sustainable and intensive collaborations that contribute to students receiving leading education. This allows us to guide our creative talents towards a bright future in the professional field.
SintLucas is known for its focus on creative talent development at both vmbo and mbo level. SintLucas’ ‘Vision 2027’ comprises three pillars: leading education, leading organisation and close cooperation with the professional field and society. This vision is the basis for the further development of the CTL.

Vision 2027 Creating Opportunities
In the changing world, creativity plays an important role. The need for creative thinkers and makers is great. At SintLucas we stand together for leading education. We guide our pupils and students with their creative talent towards a successful future and make creativity meaningful to society. SintLucas has launched Vision2027 Creating Opportunities which inspires, and tells our story of who we are and where we are heading with our beautiful vmbo and mbo!