SintLucas stands for meaningful creativity. With their creativity, our pupils and students contribute to making the world a little more sustainable, social and beautiful. We see beautiful examples of this every day at SintLucas. The work of established, impactful designers is an inspiration and example for them. We want to appreciate and acknowledge this, and also inspire other creators to do so, through the SiNTLUCAS AWARD OF MEANINGFUL CREATIVITY.
Based on positive impact, appeal, inspiration and example for others, we have drawn up a long-list of designers. Colleagues at SintLucas voted for the designer/maker they felt best fit meaningful creativity. Based on the votes, three inspiring and impactful examples of meaningful designers/makers were chosen. Like the Guilds in the 18th century, we express this in the bronze, silver and gold appreciation. During the opening of the ‘Circus of Meaningful Creativity’ during DDW, alderman Monique Esselbrugge and Andre Gehring, member of the Executive Board, presented the awards to Simon Dogger (Bronze) and Teun Castelein (Silver). On Tuesday 24 October, prior to her lecture, the gold award was presented to Fleur Bakker (Gold).
The award itself is a custom-made work bag. A reference to the companion bag with which the creative craftsmen from the time of the guilds, carried their specific and personal tools. The SintLucas Award of Meaningful Creativity will become an annual award during Dutch Design Week.