New composition of supervisory board

“SintLucas creates opportunities for pupils, students and its environment and it is an honour to be able to contribute to this.”

SintLucas appointed a new chairman, Huub Dekkers, and two new members, Geertje Pruijsers and Paul van Nunen, to its supervisory board on 27 June. The vacancies arose because both chairman Gerdy Harteveld and Harry Puts (member), have reached the maximum two terms of four years. As SintLucas had long felt the need to be even better connected to its surroundings, it was decided to add an extra member to the council. The high quality of the available candidates made it possible to fill this need. In addition to the new supervisors, Mathieu Weggeman (TUe professor of Organisational Science/independent management consultant), Edwin Jansen (director of Trudo) and Paula Willemse (co-owner IVA Education) are part of the Supervisory Board.

Huub Dekkers is managing director/administrator of language institute Regina Coeli and an experienced supervisor. As former director of CINOP, an educational consultancy and research agency, he has a large network in the field of secondary vocational education. Geertje Pruijsers is director of marketing and communication and has extensive experience as a supervisor. She has a large network of creative institutions, also in the field of meaningful creativity. As director of Brainport Development, Paul van Nunen knows the SintLucas environment like no other, with its opportunities and challenges. In addition, as former director of the Government Information Service (RVD), Paul has a large network in The Hague.

André Gehring, director SintLucas: “We are proud to have a nice palette of supervisors again. When choosing them, we found it important that we strengthen the connection with the surrounding area in a broad sense, both with Brainport, education and the creative sector. We trust that with them we can continue to fulfil our mission. SintLucas guides creative talents towards a bright future and thereby contributes to meaningful creativity in the changing society.”

Huub, chairman of the Supervisory Board: “Creativity helps people create and innovate. Our society has many complex issues and it is precisely meaningful creativity that enables us to solve these issues. SintLucas creates opportunities for pupils, students and its environment and it is an honour to contribute to this”.