'On the mbo I feel at home, here I am happy'

'On the mbo I feel at home, here I am happy'

She could have gone to hbo with her havo diploma, but Iris Bartels wanted only one thing: to do the Creative Craftsman course at SintLucas in Boxtel. Iris is super happy with her choice for the mbo. She gets education that suits her and learns new things every day from people in the field.

“After primary school, I went to havo, which I rolled through quite easily. Many people around me thought I would opt for hbo, but I insisted on going to mbo. I am a real creative person. Even as a child I loved doing crafts, fiddling with fabrics, beads and other materials. Working with my hands, being practical, is what I like best.”

Immediately sold
“When I heard about the direction ‘Textile’ at the Creative Craftsman course at SintLucas in Boxtel, I was immediately sold. This suited me perfectly! I think up and design products, learn to apply traditional techniques – for example when making hats – and work with old-fashioned machines. But I also work on making textiles more sustainable and other innovative applications; so it’s super diverse. One of the best things about my studies is that, at school, I work in a real atelier. I get practical lessons from designers. They often have their own businesses, so I get a lot of hands-on experience.”

Following feelings
“By no means everyone understood my choice of MBO. People reacted with surprise, sometimes almost anger: ‘You to mbo? What a waste!’ ‘You’re throwing away your havo diploma!’ ‘Aren’t you afraid you’ll get bored to death?’ So no. I was right to follow my gut. Because whether you choose mbo, hbo or university: you learn something new at every course and you never learn below your level. You hear all kinds of stories about young people who cannot handle the pressure of having to perform. They are pushed to choose something they don’t really want and as a result have mental problems, sometimes drop out or stop their studies. Especially for them, the mbo can be a solution.”

Happier young people
“Now that I have been at the mbo for a while, I can say that this is the type of education I was looking for after my high school days. Because of the intensive collaboration, I have a good contact with my teachers. And because I am in a small class, I build a close relationship with my fellow students. This feels safe and familiar. I knew what I wanted to do after my havo, but not everyone does. MBO can be a very pleasant preparatory course if you want to continue studying, something students and teachers are often unaware of. Secondary schools should therefore do more to support students who are unsure whether they want to go to college or university. Moreover, secondary schools are bursting with opportunities. MBO schools train the professionals the Netherlands so desperately needs. And very importantly: they make for happier young people. I can tell.”